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Thursday, October 1, 2015

किन गुगल ASsense तपाईंको ब्लग लागि सर्वश्रेष्ठ विज्ञापन कार्यक्रम छ

ब्लगिंग मार्फत अनलाइन पैसा बनाउन सबै भन्दा राम्रो तरिकामा एक आफ्नो ब्लग मा विज्ञापन प्रदर्शित द्वारा छ। यस्तो एड्सेन्स, Chitika, VigLink, Infolinks र धेरै अन्य रूपमा उपलब्ध धेरै विज्ञापन नेटवर्क छन्। स्पष्ट, हामी धेरै विज्ञापन हाम्रो ब्लग अस्तव्यस्तता सक्दैन, त्यसैले हामी हाम्रो ब्लग पैसा बनाउने उद्देश्यका लागि उपलब्ध सर्वोत्तम र सबैभन्दा प्रभावकारी कार्यक्रम छनौट गर्न आवश्यक छ। 
एड्सेन्स हामीलाई एक ब्लग मा प्रासङ्गिक विज्ञापन देखाउने अनुमति दिन्छ कि Google बाट एक उत्पादन हो। यो कुनै पनि वेबसाइटको उपलब्ध सर्वोत्तम monetization विज्ञापन नेटवर्क को एक हो, र मान्छे मात्र गुगल एड्सेन्स प्रयोग डलर हजारौं हरेक दिन बनाउने छन्। 

पढ्नुहोस्: Beginners लागि पूरा एड्सेन्स गाइड 
Adsense उपयोग लाभ के-के हुन्? 

एड्सेन्स को प्रत्यक्ष लाभ को एक यो हामी एक ब्लग पैसा बनाउने कुरा Google.When द्वारा एक वैध विज्ञापन कार्यक्रम छ भन्ने तथ्यलाई छ, यसो को सजिलो विधि आफ्नो ब्लग मा एड्सेन्स राख्नु र सामग्री लेखन सुरु भएको छ। 
मानिसहरू आफ्नो ब्लग मा पोस्ट को एड्सेन्स विज्ञापन मा क्लिक गर्दा, तपाईं पैसा कमाउन हुनेछ। (यो एड्सेन्स नीतिहरू एक उल्लंघन छ, आफ्नो विज्ञापन क्लिक जोगिन सम्झना।) 
एड्सेन्स विज्ञापन आफ्नो सामग्री अनुसार प्रदर्शन गरिने जसको अर्थ एक प्रासङ्गिक विज्ञापन नेटवर्क, छ। तपाईं वेब होस्टिंग मा एक पोस्ट लेखन भने उदाहरणका लागि, तपाईं होस्टिंग वा डोमेन सम्बन्धित विज्ञापन देख्न सम्भावना बढी हुन्छ। 
एड्सेन्स विज्ञापन देखाउँछ अर्को तरिकामा कुकी विधि प्रयोग गरेर छ। प्रयोगकर्ता खोज इतिहास आधारित तिनीहरू रूपान्तरण जो लक्षित विज्ञापन प्रदर्शन। 
छोटो मा, एड्सेन्स पाठकहरूलाई लक्षित विज्ञापन देख्न हुनेछ, र यसरी तपाईं अधिक क्लिक र उच्च payouts तपाईं कुनै पनि अन्य विज्ञापन नेटवर्क संग हुनेछ भन्दा प्राप्त हुनेछ पक्का बनाउँछ। 
किन अन्य विज्ञापन नेटवर्क भन्दा गुगल एड्सेन्स? 

सजिलो सेट अप गर्न: 
तपाईं अनुमोदित AdSense खाता एक पटक, तपाईं के गर्न आवश्यक सबै आफ्नो विषय फाइल गर्न कोड थप्न छ, र विज्ञापन आफ्नो ब्लग मा चलिरहेको सुरु हुनेछ। 
यहाँ सिर्जना र एक AdSense खाता सेट अप गर्न कसरी पूरा पुस्तिका छ। 

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    Sunday, September 27, 2015

    Why Google ASsense is the Best Advertising Program for Your Blog

    One of the best ways to make money online via blogging is by displaying advertisements on your blog. There are many ad networks available such as AdSense, ChitikaVigLink,Infolinks and many others. Obviously, we can’t clutter our blogs with too many ads, so we need to choose the best and most effective program available for the purpose of making money from our blogs.
    AdSense is a product from Google that allows us to show contextual ads on a blog. It’s one of the best monetization ad networks available for any website, and people are making thousands of dollars every day using only Google AdSense.

    • Read: A Complete AdSense Guide for Beginners

    What are the benefits of using AdSense?

    One of the direct benefits of AdSense is the fact that it is a legitimate advertisement program by Google.When we talk about making money from a blog, the easiest method of doing so is to put AdSense on your blog and start writing content.
    When people click on the AdSense ads posted on your blog, you will earn money. (Remember to avoid clicking on your own ads, as this is a violation of AdSense policies.)
    AdSense is a contextual ad network, which means that ads will be displayed according to your content. For example, if you are writing a post on web hosting, you are more likely to see ads related to hosting or domains.
    Another way AdSense shows ads is by using the cookie method. Based on user search history, they display targeted ads which convert better.
    In short, AdSense makes sure that readers will see targeted ads, and thus you will get more clicks and higher payouts than you will with any other ad network.

    Why Google AdSense over other ad networks?

    Easy to set up :
    Once you have an approved AdSense account, all you need to do is add a code to your theme file, and advertisements will start running on your blog.
    Here is a complete guide on how to create and set up an AdSense account.
    AdSense means recognition:
    AdSense is one of the most highly rated and recognized advertisement programs available. However, AdSense does not approve all types of blogs, and they are especially likely to reject blogs which are still in need improvement.
    Once you have AdSense running on your blog, it means that your blog has been authorized. (This may not be true in all cases.)
    One account for all sites :
    With most ad networks, you need to add all of your sites manually, and upon approval of each individual site, you can place ads on that site. With AdSense, however, once you have an approved AdSense account, you can put ads on any website which complies with the AdSense terms of service. There is no need to set up different accounts for different blogs. You can also use your custom channel to see how your ad slots are performing.
    Support forum:
    Unlike other advertisement programs, AdSense has a wide range of advertisers and publishers. AdSense also has a support forum, and you will find lots of tutorials on how to increase your AdSense revenue.
    The major problem you will face with small advertising companies is the issue of payment. Despite meeting the minimum payout limit, you may have difficulty getting your payment. Furthermore, if you do some research, you will come to realize how many of these companies are fraudulent. AdSense, on the other hand, is very transparent in terms of payment, and you are unlikely to face any issues obtaining your payment from AdSense.
    No doubt Google AdSense is one of the best programs for making money online with a blog.  However, for business sites I would suggest saying no to AdSense.
    If you have just started using AdSense, I suggest that you install the AdSense Chrome add-on, which will help you to quickly track your AdSense earnings.
    There could be many other reasons for selecting AdSense as your advertising network of choice. Use the comments section below to let us know what made you choose AdSense over other advertising networks.
    If you find the information in this post useful, please share it with your friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.
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    Proven Tips to Increase Adsense Revenue

    Using AdSense & want to increase your revenue? Here I’m sharing those tips which will help you to increase your revenue.

    AdSense is one of the top advertisement programs for bloggers.
    I have already written extensively about some good reasons for using Adsense and, for newer bloggers, I have offered our complete guide to creating an Adsense account.
    Now it’s time to move forward and learn some of the basic and advanced tips to increase AdSense revenue.
    One factor to which you must give some serious consideration involves the placement of your ads. Be careful to make sure you don’t violate Adsense policies by placing your ads in such a way that forces users to click on them.  Additionally, be sure to never ask someone to click your ads.
    With those important considerations out of the way, Adsense’s new interface has some easy-to-use features which will surely help you to boost your revenue.

    DIY tips for increasing AdSense revenue:

    It is commonly said that traffic is directly proportional to money in blogging, but this is not really accurate in terms of Adsense advertising. The reason for this is that there are many factors which affect your Adsense income. These include ad placement, ad type, traffic source and most important, Adsense CPC.
    If you are doing keyword research, keep an eye on the CPC column. The higher the CPC, the better it is for you as an Adsense publisher. If you target high CPC, then the number of words, keywords and clicks on your ads will usually be higher.
    You can also use a tool like SEMRUSH to find profitable keywords.
    One thing I don’t like about Adsense is that this type of Internet based advertising is performing the least effectively of those in my performance channel.
    With all of that said, let’s move on to the goal of this post which is to give you an understanding of some of the simple and advanced ways to increase Google Adsenseincome.
    This is one of the most common factors involved in getting low vs. high CTR.
    You should try putting Adsense ads around the content and above the fold. (Above-the-fold ads perform far better than below-the-fold ads!)
    You can blend the ads with your site design.
    Something that bloggers often ignore are link-based ads. Link-based ads are different from banner ads, and they don’t decrease the CTR of main ads if optimized properly. I usually prefer to keep these types of ads on the header navbar.
    When you are designing a website for Adsense income, you should keep the Adsense heatmap in your mind. This way you can easily create Adsense-optimized themes and designs for your new site.
    Here are some of the Adsense sizes which work best:
    • 336 * 280 : Large Rectangle
    • 300*250 :
    • 728*90
    • 160*600
    As you can see, in the Adsense world size matters.
    Organic Traffic /U.S :
    Adsense ads perform best when your traffic is from search engines.Also, interest-based ads might not perform as well if you are getting more direct traffic. Many people complain about low CPC and low Adsense income despite leaving millions of impressions per month. This is mostly due to CPC and traffic sources. Start targeting traffic from countries like the U.S.A and the U.K, and you will end up getting high CPC.
    Learning more about on-page SEO optimization techniques should be very helpful to you. Also check out:
    • 101 ways to drive traffic to your blog
    Adsense for Search: Add extra revenue source
    Adsense offers many ways to monetize your site, and you should try to take advantage of all ad types. Adsense for Search not only helps you monetize, but it also helps with user navigation. I have previously shared a guide on setting up Adsense for Search.
    Adsense section targeting: Make ads more relevant
    Adsense is a contextual ad network that works based on the content of your page, and this includes your header and footer.  So ads shown via Adsense must be highly relevant to the context of your article.
    Adsense section targeting is a quick technique to add two lines of code before and after the content, thus targeting your ad to the content. Here is an official guide for implementing Adsense Section Targeting
    Image or Text Ads: 
    One of the myths of AdSense is that image ads work better. By blocking an ad type or ad category, you decrease the competition on your ad, and this also decreases the CPM of your ads. I prefer to use both ad types.
    Ads between posts:
    If you want to increase Adsense revenue, you can easily configure Adsense ads to match with your page background and colors, and add 468*60 image ads or text link ads in between posts.  You can also add 7-10 pictures, keeping in mind that you want to offer a good user experience to your readers. Make sure to add enough space between ads & content, so that it doesn’t violate AdSense policies.
    Placement targeting:
    This is one idea which many bloggers are not implementing. When you create a channel, you have the option to add more details about your ad types, and then put your ad up for auction in the market by opting for placement targeting. This increases the competition, and the ad value on your site goes up. You must enable this manually for every custom channel. To enable placement targeting on your existing custom channel, log in to your Adsense account > My ads > Custom > Custom Channels. Next, click on one of the names and a screen will pop up. Simply add the details and put a checkmark at placement targeting.
    Adsense Blacklist URL’s :
    Adsesne Blacklist
    There are many advertiserss which pay very little per click. There used to be a site showing the Adsense ad “black list”, but if you have compiled a list of your own or you know of any site with very poor performance, you can block that advertiser’s URL. I have done it myself, and it improved my revenue by 10% in one week’s time. You can also block your competitor’s ads from displaying on your site.
    Adsense Category blocking: 
    In the new Adsense interface, the category blocking feature has become much easier to use. You can quickly see which categories of ads are performing poorly, and you can block those categories. I usually block the categories which have a good percentage of impression but a very low earnings percentage. This can also be configured via your “allow” and “block” ads page.
    Adsense for Youtube:
    If you are a video publisher or if you upload videos to YouTube, you can monetize your copyrighted video using the YouTube publisher program. I have been using it for a long time, and it performs really well. Performance, of course, depends on the amount of traffic your YouTube videos get, but currently Adsense for YouTube is making almost $40-45/month. Here is a guide to get started:
    • How to get a YouTube Partnership
    If your only source of income is Google Adsense revenue, then perhaps these tips will be helpful to you. It is important to test various things and see what works the best for you. For example, you can play with link colors and see which link color combination is generating maximum CTR, etc.
    Feel free to share a tip which has worked well for you and has helped you to increase your Adsense revenue.
    If you are not approved for Google AdSense, you can have look for other posts published here at ShoutMeLoud regarding alternative monetization programs.
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    10 Ways to Increase Adsense CPC With Simple Tweaks

    If you are a blogger and Adsense is your prime source of revenue, you can’t afford to ignore the importance of Adsense optimization. When we talk about Adsense optimization, there are many things but the main target is to get high eCPM and get more Cost per click. Else, despite of good Adsense CTR, you might not be making good money. This is something very common about non-English blog. If you fall in the category of those adsense publishers, who are getting huge traffic but Adsense earning is still low, it’s time to understand points which are mentioned below and this will surely helps to increase Adsense CPC and overall revenue.

    What is Adsense CPC:

    Lets start with answering basic question first and then we will move to some working tips to increase adsense CPC. CPC stands for Cost per click, in short money which you make/click is what CPC. Now, you might have noticed Adsense publisher talking more about CTR and less about CPC. If you are really serious about your Adsense revenue, you should work more on CPC than CTR. Getting thousands impression on your ad won’t be of much help but a blog with good CPC with decent CTR can create a huge difference. CPC has nothing to do directly with your traffic, if you would realize and noticed micro-nicheblogs, you might have realized despite of less traffic such sites make more money from Adsense. Reason is simple and that is eCPM for such blogs are so high that you get paid really well for CPC and then there are other factors like Ad competition, Keywords and many more.

    Factors that Affect Adsense CPC :

    First thing first, choosing a right niche for your blog or website is of utmost important. Cost Per Click or CPC of an ad directly depends upon the topic on which you’re writing your blog.Well! Let me clarify one thing here that you’re going to choose niche however there are niches that can pay you high CPC. Yes! Here is the list of niches that can give you high return, I have arranged them in decreasing order of CPC.
    • Domains – Blogs on Internet Domains Like Yahoo, Go Daddy etc. It pays highest CPC.
    • Gadgets – Tech Gadgets like Apple products
    • Google – Google Products
    • Microsoft – MS office
    • Banking
    • Automobile
    • Health
    • Real Estate
    • Home Loans
    • Jobs
    • Dating & Romance – It pays lowest CPC.
      Second thing is the content, you must write content that should answer readers query. So before writing blogs try to find what your readers are searching on the Internet and then try to present them with solutions.
      Remember you should always directly engage with your readers. Your content must be tailored according to your niche so that more and more readers can read your blogs. Hence good content will certainly ensure higher Adsense CPC rates. More over, Good content is what search engine loves, hence more click and more revenue if your ad is highly targeted and your traffic is from the countries like U.S.A, U.K. When you do a Keyword research, make sure to use Approximate CPC column.
      Ad Review Center
      In Google Adsense you will find Ad Review Center. You can go there and see yourself how much each ad category is paying you. This will show you different ads category that are showing on your website. If you find that any ad category is not paying much then feel free to block that category.
      Try to block those category which are completely irrelevant to the content or niche of your blog. Suppose blog is about Technology then block the ad categories for Dating, Politics, Religion etc. This will surely increase your CPC and Adsense revenue.

      Competitive Ad Filter
      Just like Ad Review Center there is Competitive Ad Filter in Google Adsense. You can go there and block the specific or general ads from appearing on your web pages. You can block the ads for entire domain or just a particular website in that domain name.The ads that you would block may belongs to your competitors. Therefore you can increase your CPC by not showing those particular ads.
      Your blogs are read from different platforms like desktop, laptop, mobile etc. Although CPC is generally not much affected by the platforms on which ads are shown but you should try your best to target as many as readers. You will get most of the readers from desktop and laptop devices.
      If you are able to reach to hand-held or mobile readers than CPC may increase as ads shown on cellphones are of higher quality. If you are blogging on WordPress platform, you can use plugins like Wp touch which will make your blog mobile friendly and you server adsense ads which is optimized for mobile screen size.
      One of the most important factor that can increase CPC is the country you are targeting. For example a click on an ad from USA can pay you up to $2 to $3 and click on same ad from India can end up paying only 20 to 30 cents.
      Hence always tailor your blog and its content to audiences in English-speaking countries. It will also increase Page Rank of your website. So always keep in mind the country you are targeting.
      Text & Image Format
      Perhaps I should have explained this suggestion in the beginning of the blog. Anyhow, you must know to choose right format for your ad. If you can place three ads on a page then choose two 336 X 280 ads and one 468 X 60 ad.
      Then ad format must be text because text ads have higher CTR (click through rate). You can even try ad format for both text & image simultaneously as it gives you more CPC. Image ads are usually less preferred for both reasons less CTR and lower CPC. Though at times, depending upon the niche and blog type, image ads perform better in terms of higher CTR but CPC won’t be as good as text ads. Anyways, as I mentioned above it differs from niche type and most important ad placement.
      Never neglect the placement of your ads on the web page as it is directly proportional to your Adsense revenue. So where to place ads for maximum CPC? Answer is simple. Place 2 ads inside your blog post and 1 outside the post.As far as placing inside goes then place one 336 X 280 rectangle ad on the top of the blog just below the title and place second 468 X 60 ad in between the blog post. Remaining one ad you can place on your right side that is outside your post.
      • Adsense placement guide and Heatmap
      Though it should be your choice and depending upon your reason of blogging. For example, if you are a professional blogger and dependent on Adsense, you should not miss a chance to optimize ad and use maximum possible ad units on a single page. Though if you are a hobby blogger or blogging on personal blog, your first target should be giving quality content and less ads, as readers hate advertisement which distract them from reading.
      Let me tell you the maximum clicks and higher CPC will come from 2 ads which are inside the blog post eespecially on the top.
      Keep Experimenting
      Always keep trying something new. Experimenting can really pay you high dividends. You can try out for different niches, choose different ad placements and finally take as many as advice from Google Adsense center. Never bogged down into one style always try something new.
      In conclusion I would only say if you follow and implement these 10 tips then you can surely increase your Adsense revenue from 30% to 40%. It is completely legal and genuine way to increase your earning in short time. You can also search for highest CPC adsense Keywords and compile one-two posts around it.
      Do let me know what’s one trick which worked for you to increase Adsense CPC? Do you believe niche and traffic from certain countries creates a huge difference in Adsense earning?
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